dpkg : 10 practical common examples of dpkg command
If you happen to be a Debian or one of its based distros user (like: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, deepin, Elementary OS, Zorin OS, SparkyLinux … etc), you should definitely know…
If you happen to be a Debian or one of its based distros user (like: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, deepin, Elementary OS, Zorin OS, SparkyLinux … etc), you should definitely know…
Does your Debian‘s based distro such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Linux Lite, deepin, antiX, Zorin OS, LXLE, Peppermint OS and SparkyLinux, complain about LC_* locales. Like the following…
Sometimes, we need to know whether or not some packages are being installed on the system. And the command which will let us find out the answer is different from…